I really have been pretty lucky in my career to have been steadily employed for the past 25-30 years. Although in my early days of teaching, I spent several years experiencing job cuts or the threat of job cuts.
I was moved from school to school the first three years, then went to part time before going back to full time at a middle school where I worked until my retirement.
My daughter has had a similar experience although she always ends up back at the same school but the rumors of cuts in the program keeps her a bit on edge. Each year could be her last at this school and she worries about where she will be sent or have to find on her own, for the following year.

I came to London this year to cover for my friend and colleague while she took a year's leave of absence. She will be returning in the fall.
( Above, inside my flat.)
When I came here it was my hope that some position would open up for me and I could stay for several years - maybe until I am 65 and can retire from full-time teaching.
There is now math opening for next year in the middle school but I have no guarantee that I will get it. It is takes me back to the early days of my career. Wondering, waiting. There are several considerations and I think at this point I have a 50/50 chance of getting the position.
Whatever is meant to be will be. I am sort of OK with that although I will be more OK with it when it is all sorted out.
(My classroom in London.)