I folk danced for 20 years then stopped for almost 10 years but now I am back dancing. I have found a lovely group of people who enjoy dancing and have been friendly and welcoming to me.
However, dancing once a week was not enough and I began to wonder about how fit I might be. I joined the local Leisure Centre (fitness centre) so that I could swim and go to water workout classes but after watching a program called The Biggest Loser, I decided I needed not only more regular workouts but something more intense than swimming.

The Leisure Centre has a state of the art gym so I now go workout almost a hour every evening. At first I did a 20 minute walk on the treadmill and a few reps on the various weight machines. I have slowly been increasing my workout time and intensity.
Tonight I ran for 15 minutes, walked for another 10 then did three reps on each of the machines, most upper body work. I usually do more but I cut it a bit short because I wanted to get to the cleaners to pick up my yellow coat. Unfortunately, I just could not get out of the shower - it felt too good, so I missed the closing by 10 minutes.
This will be my last weekend in London until after the new year so I have been mulling over my options. I need to get my hair cut, I need to pick up my coat.
I also want to go to a play and it will be my last chance to get to the biggest Christmas Market which is in Hyde Park. So it will be a busy weekend doing some fun things.
I am actually totally packed and have figured out my route to the airport on 19 December. The usual tube line that I would take to Heathrow Airport is closed that weekend so I can either pay £50 for a cab or take two tube lines and a train to get there. I will have to see whether time or money feels more important as I get closer to the day I am leaving.
The weather continues to be unseasonablely warm but it sounds like I will get to feel the Artic Blast that has hit the northwest. I can't wait to get home!!!