I love going to plays, both dramas and musicals, and what better place to live if you like the theatre than in London UK. They have arguably the best in stage offerings of anywhere in the world. Broadway in New York is good but ask any actor in the world and they would love to come to London to appear in a West End production.
Typically when I am in the mood for a play I hop the tube down to Leister Square to my favorite ticket booth to get cheap tickets. I am careful not to get tickets so cheap that I am sitting behind a pillar or so high in the rafters that it looks like flea circus but I do try to find a bargain if I can.
It is not often that I get tickets weeks in advance mainly because I am not that patient and worry that I will forget completely on the day. A day or two in advance is usually enough for me. So it has been a long month since I bought tickets for myself and 4 friends from school to attend Inherit the Wind starring Kevin Spacey.
The day finally arrived Saturday, 14 November! On the day one of the women who was attending phoned to tell me her cold had worsened and she was not up to getting out for the evening. I know she must have felt terrible to have missed our big night out.
The play and Mr Spacey's performance did not disappoint. The writing was quick, sharp and witty. The deliveries were natural and relaxed. The play is set the southern US (although it was not mentioned it is based on the Scope's 'Monkey Trial' held in Tennessee) and the dialog was delivered with strong southern accents. Most of the actors were able to master the slow slurs of the southern accent expect for one or two times when a decidedly British vowel popped out.
We laughed and marveled at how timely the dialog still is today and we enjoyed the way Mr Drummond (Spacey) could turn a phase and use his opponents words to prove his own case. It was thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish!
The four of us then road the bus home together chatting and marveling at the Christmas lights that were turned on last weekend on Regents and Oxford streets (big shopping area in central London).
Since the British do not celebrate Thanksgiving they don't have the tradition of waiting until the Friday after to start the Christmas shopping season. They just barely recognize Halloween (although it is growing each year) so the Christmas season begins in early November.
It was a lovely evening, great company and fantastic entertainment.
I remember the last time I saw a play...I think...Oh yeah! It was in Southwark Park. London Bubble does great walking plays in parks, and Xevi LOVED it.