Night Life might be a bit deceptive a heading for this post or maybe just for me. I am not much of a night person. I like to get home before dark, curl up with the TV or a newspaper and veg out. After spending my days in the company of 13-14 year olds, a bit of solitude is in order.
However, you can't have much of a social life if you hole up in your flat every night alone. So I have made some concessions this year. I try of go out to the pub with my mates on Friday night for awhile and I have joined a folk dance group. They also meet on Friday night so I won't spend too long in the pub, but then I rarely drink anything stronger than lemonade so there is not much to worry about.
The folk dance group is an enjoyable mix of women and men all of whom seem to have been dancing for many years. To my surprise on my first night attending, I knew all the dances but one. They teach each dance so even that one went well but it really reminded me why I have loved folk dancing all these years.
Folk dancing will also help me get in better shape, not that I am in bad shape living in London without a car, but don't we all think we need to lose just a little weight and get in better shape?
Saturday night I am going with a group of friends from work to see Kevin Spacey in Inherit the Wind at the Old Vic Theatre. We have had these tickets for a month and are all so excited to finally be going to the play. Three of us will go out to dinner first then all meet at the theatre.
Sunday I plan to go see a movie. I have not gone to the cinema in at least a month and have missed some movies I wanted to see. Instead I have been going to Markets around London and exploring other parts of the city. Time to spend some time in my own patch and relax!
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