After a few dances I asked him where he had learned all these dances and he explained that he was a PE teacher and had gathered dances from many workshops over the years so that he could teach them to his PE students. He also mentioned that he taught folk dancing at a local recreation center in Ashland Oregon on Friday evening.
I talked to a few more people and got the details of this group. The following Friday my three young children and I attended our first folk dance.
Several people brought their children to folk dancing although the kids only danced two or three days all night. I liked that there were specific dances that included the kids and they enjoyed getting out with the adults and enjoying the dancing.
There was a nice side room with wide French doors where the kids played in between "kid" dances. Parents could keep an eye on them or take a break from dancing to be with them while still watching the rest of the dances. It was a great set up for families as well as people without children who could dance without someone's kids under foot.
Over the years folk dancing has been a big part of our lives. Two of my three children joined a children's folk dance troupe and performed in many festivals around Portland and up in Seattle.
I loved the dancing but I would not have continued with it is my children could not have been involved.